PrepaenlineaSEP/ e-ducacion

viernes, 23 de febrero de 2018

M6S1 Actividad Integradora: me voy de viaje y necesito...

Actividad integradora: me voy de viaje y necesito...
Alumno: Elber González López
Facilitadora: Dulce Lucia Aute Méndez
Modulo 6 semana 1

Para escribir tus 5 oraciones, debes incluir preposiciones de lugar, adjetivos calificativos, adjetivos demostrativos y pronombres posesivos.

I’m traveling and I need my new brown shoes, those are under the bed.
I’m traveling and I need my big green backpack that is are close desk.
I’m traveling and I need my favorite blue cap that is are inside the closet.
I’m traveling and I need my notebook is little and fast at once, it is on the table.
I’m traveling and I need my black and slim ipod, it is near  the computer.